
Either gets the type of a value or adds a constructor registering its custom type name.

This function is valid in v2.8.0 to v2.24.3. This function has been downloaded 94 times.


{*} value
A value whose type name will be returned. Alternatively if opt_typeNameToAdd is passed this must be the constructor for the corresponding type name.
{string=} opt_typeNameToAdd Optional
If specified, value will be looked for within an array of all known constructors and if not found a new entry will be added along with this given type name.


If opt_typeNameToAdd was omitted a string representation of value's type usually capitalized unless "null" or "undefined" is returned. If opt_typeNameToAdd is given, the constructor passed as value will be searched and a boolean indicating whether or not it needed to be added will be returned.

Required Functions

This function directly requires the following functions which are included automatically:

  • isPrimitive()
    Determines if something is a primitive or not. If not a primitive it must be some form of object.
  • isPrototype()
    Determines if an object is a prototype object.
  • kindsOf()
    Retrieves all of the associated type names for a value.

Requiring Functions

This function is directly required by the following functions:

  • around()
    Gets the substrings around a specific target.
  • chain()
    Creates a chained version of a value.
  • dice()
    Dices up a string splitting it on the passed in delimiter and placing the results in an array while making sure that the empty string is converted to an empty array.
  • dom()
    Creates HTML DOM objects.
  • expandRegExp()
    Expands regular expressions by expanding the character classes. Supports [:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:digit:], [:punct:], [:space:], or [:xdigit:] and allows for addition of other character classes.
  • findByProp()
    Looks for the first value in an array whose given property matches the criteria.
  • findNth()
    Gets the nth value matching target in subject.
  • flatten()
    Create a flattened copy of an array.
  • getCookie()
    Retrieves one or more cookies.
  • indexOf()
    Gets the index of a specified target value in a string, array or an object. Unlike Array.prototype.indexOf(), this function works for finding NaN and differentiates between -0 and 0.
  • isArguments()
    Determines if the given value is of type Arguments as specified by typeOf().
  • isError()
    Determines if a value is an Error object.
  • isFullOf()
    Determines if an array, array-like object, or an object is full of items that match a specific type or tester function.
  • isType()
    Determines if a value is of a specific type or one of a list of specific types.
  • isTypeFor()
    Creates a partial isType() function.
  • kindsOf()
    Retrieves all of the associated type names for a value.
  • parseQS()
    Parses a URL to get the parameters specified in the query string.
  • replace()
    Replace targeted substrings with new strings.
  • uneval()
    Creates a string representation of the given object or primitive.