
Gets the native type name of a primitive or an object. Unlike YourJS.typeOf(), the types are solely determined by the system.

This function is valid in v2.13.0 to v2.24.3. This function has been downloaded 80 times.


{*} value
Primitive or object whose native type name will be returned.


The native type name of the specified value. All type names start with an uppercase character.

Requiring Functions

This function is directly required by the following functions:

  • calls()
    Makes multiple calls using the YourJS call() function.
  • count()
    Count how many items in an array or an object pass a given tester function.
  • countBy()
    Creates or augments an object, making new properties that correspond to values in the given array. Each property added will indicate how many items in the array corresponding to those property names.
  • css()
    Creates a CSS stylesheet from an JSON representation of a stylesheet.
  • forEach()
    Traverses all the characters in a string or all of the elements in an array or an array-like object, executing a function on each one.
  • forOf()
    Traverses all the characters in a string or all of the items in an array or an object, executing a function on each one.
  • isArrayLike()
    Determines if an object is an array or at least array-like.
  • isOf()
    Creates functions for testing if a value "is" (or "is not") a value.
  • modURL()
    Modify a URL.