
Gets the keys of a specified value.

This function is valid in v2.8.0 to v2.12.3. This function has been downloaded 0 times.


{*} value
Value for which you would like the property names retrieved.
{boolean=} opt_onlyNonEnums Optional
If specified and is not null or undefined but is false-ish, all of the property names (enumerable or not) will be returned. If this is true-ish only the non-enumerable property names will be returned. If this is not given or is null or undefined all of the enumerable property names will be returned.


An array of all of the keys of arrOrObj.

Requiring Functions

This function is directly required by the following functions:

  • entries()
    Gets an array of pairs (array of length 2) indicating all of the keys and values within a given array or object.
  • values()
    Gets an array of all of the values within a given array or object.