
If the second argument is not in the first argument (array) the third argument is passed back, otherwise the fourth argument (or if not given the second argument) is passed back.

This function is valid in v2.7.0. This function has been downloaded 0 times.


{Array} arrControls
Array of values to test subject against.
{*} subject
Value to see if it is in arrControls.
{*} falseValue
Value to be returned if subject is not found within arrControls.
{*=} opt_trueValue Optional, Default:subject
Value to be returned if subject is found within arrControls.


falseValue will be returned if subject is not found within arrControls. Otherwise, if opt_trueValue is given it will be returned, but if not given subject will be returned.

Required Function

This function directly requires the following function which is included automatically:

  • ifIs()
    If the first and second arguments are the same the third argument is passed back, otherwise the fourth argument (or if not given the second argument) is passed back.