
Every object descended from Object inherits the hasOwnProperty method. This method can be used to determine whether an object has the specified property as a direct property of that object; unlike the in operator, this method does not check down the object's prototype chain.

This function is valid in v2.0.0 to v2.24.3. This function has been downloaded 93 times.


{Object} obj
Object whose property will be tested.
{string} name
Name of the property to test.


A boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property as own (not inherited) property.

Required Function

This function directly requires the following function which is included automatically:

  • alias()
    Creates a function wrapper that calls the function with the given name in the given context.

Requiring Functions

This function is directly required by the following functions:

  • chain()
    Creates a chained version of a value.
  • countBy()
    Creates or augments an object, making new properties that correspond to values in the given array. Each property added will indicate how many items in the array corresponding to those property names.
  • css()
    Creates a CSS stylesheet from an JSON representation of a stylesheet.
  • dom()
    Creates HTML DOM objects.
  • entries()
    Gets an array of pairs (array of length 2) indicating all of the keys and values within a given array or object.
  • extend()
    Adds extra properties to an object based on the properties owned by other specified objects.
  • forEach()
    Traverses all the characters in a string or all of the elements in an array or an array-like object, executing a function on each one.
  • forIn()
    Runs through all of the properties of an object, executing a function for each property found.
  • get()
    Get the value of the specified property name.
  • groupBy()
    Takes an array and groups the items together based on a given hasher function.
  • index()
    Indexes the target object based on the items found in subject and the callback function.
  • indexBy()
    Traverses an array and returns an object with the values from the array placed in the specified indices.
  • isEmpty()
    Determines if an array, arguments list, other type of list or collection is empty. Also can be used on objects to ensure that it doesn't have any properties explicitly set.
  • jsonp()
    Adds a JSON-P script to the page to be executed once the script has been retrieved.
  • modURL()
    Modifie a URL.
  • parseQS()
    Parses a URL to get the parameters specified in the query string.
  • pluck()
    Creates a copy of the given array making each item the value of the given property name.
  • removeCookie()
    Removes the specified cookie(s).
  • sample()
    Takes an array and returns a new array with some or all of the original values not usually in the same order.
  • shuffle()
    Creates a new array with the items in a random order.
  • sub()
    Substitute values into strings where the corresponding placeholders have been entered.
  • testNS()
    Tests a given namespace under the given root object and returns the values at each step of that namespace.
  • uneval()
    Creates a string representation of the given object or primitive.