
Gets the property values of the specified object using Object.getPropertyNames() and filters the values using a callback function.

This function is valid in v2.23.0 to v2.24.3. This function has been downloaded 33 times.


{*} obj
The object whose properties should be examined and whose values will potentially be returned.
{Function} tester
The callback function which will be called for each key/value pair in obj. This function will be passed (1) the value, (2) the property name and (3) a reference to obj. For each property the return value will be coerced to a boolean and will be used to see if the property value should be returned.
{boolean=} opt_negate Optional, Default:false
Optional value indicating whether or not to negate the results of each call to tester(). If false-ish the tester() callback should return a true-ish value for any properties should be kept. If true-ish the tester() callback should return a false-ish value for any properties that should be kept.


An array of the property values retrieved from obj.

Required Function

This function directly requires the following function which is included automatically:

  • filterPropNames()
    Gets the property names of the specified object using Object.getOwnPropertyNames() and filters the property names using a callback function.

Requiring Function

This function is directly required by the following function:

  • filterPropNames()
    Gets the property names of the specified object using Object.getOwnPropertyNames() and filters the property names using a callback function.