
Is similar to setAt() but always ensures that the specified path will be added to the root object.

This function is valid in v2.17.0 to v2.24.3. This function has been downloaded 50 times.


{*} root
The object under which to ensure the path.
{Array} path
An array of numbers or strings representing the path that must exist within root.
{*=} opt_value Optional, Default:undefined
If given this will be the value assigned to the specified path, otherwise undefined is assigned.


A reference to root.

Required Function

This function directly requires the following function which is included automatically:

  • has()
    Every object descended from Object inherits the hasOwnProperty method. This method can be used to determine whether an object has the specified property as a direct property of that object; unlike the in operator, this method does not check down the object's prototype chain.